Make your bike feel like new A new bike can be extraordinarily expensive - and these days, near impossible to find. However, it is possible to transform your bike and make it feel like new. A few affordable bike upgrades and have a significant impact on your experience on the bike. Read on to learn how you can boost the...


You're riding regularly, working hard, but you seem to have hit a plateau. You're looking for some tips to increase your cycling speed, but you're not quite sure where to turn next. Ramping up your speed is always going to involve improving your use of your body's energy systems. Here are just a few tips to help you notch up...


Get started commuting If you're just beginning, the thought of commuting through the morning gridlock can be quite overwhelming. Transitioning from casual rides on a calm bike path to commuting in city streets can definitely be a shock to the system. If you're wanting to master the transition, stick to the following tips to confidently commute. Tip #1: Ride predictably...


During this month that we celebrate Mothers, we thought it appropriate to discuss an often ignored subject - Women's Cycling Issues. These are the issues that no one really likes to talk about, but also the issues that plague many. If you are a guy, we suggest you stop reading here. If you're a gal, we highly suggest reading on...


Are you ready for your first spring ride? Spring has finally sprung, and you're ready to pull your bike out of the garage for the first time. You have a long ride all planned and scheduled for the next day. You're fueled up, hydrated, and all your essential gear and riding apparel is laid out and ready to go. But...



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