It's more than a matter of preference Spend anytime along a bike trail and you will see saddles at a wide variety of heights. People will claim they have a personal preference - for instance, they like their feet to touch when in the saddle. However, your saddle height can have a direct impact on the efficiency and comfort of...


Make your bike feel like new A new bike can be extraordinarily expensive - and these days, near impossible to find. However, it is possible to transform your bike and make it feel like new. A few affordable bike upgrades can have a significant impact on your experience on the bike. Read on to learn how you can boost the...


It's more than a matter of preference Spend anytime along a bike trail and you will see saddles at a wide variety of heights. People will claim they have a personal preference - for instance, they like their feet to touch when in the saddle. However, your saddle height can have a direct impact on the efficiency and comfort of...


Make your bike feel like new A new bike can be extraordinarily expensive - and these days, near impossible to find. However, it is possible to transform your bike and make it feel like new. A few affordable bike upgrades and have a significant impact on your experience on the bike. Read on to learn how you can boost the...


The seasons are changing and the dust is being wiped off your bike. Soon, you'll be headed off on your inaugural spring ride - which unfortunately for many means you'll be welcoming your inaugural aches and pains. Make sure you're in top riding shape this spring with a professional bike fit. Think you don't need a bike fit? Read through...



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