
What is a recovery ride? Recovery rides are rides devoted to just taking it easy and spinning your legs to get the blood flowing. This increase of blood flow goes a long way in helping you recover more quickly from hard training days. Recovery rides are simple to do and – when done correctly – they can speed you up...


Expand your possibilities Whether it's to avoid the extreme heat of the day in the summer, a demanding work schedule, or the shorter days of fall, chances are you're going to end up riding in the dark if you're a dedicated cyclist. Whether you're on the brightly lit city streets, dimly lit back roads, or unlit trails, there are necessary...


Don't listen to everyone Fellow cyclists love to give advice almost as much as fellow cyclists love cycling. However, this advice is not always trustworthy or helpful. We've assembled the top ten worst cycling advice we've received to help you avoid the worst of the worst. If you hear any of the following, run away faster than you would from...


A clipless pedal is a quick and easy upgrade to make your next ride better There is a simple equation that always holds true with clipless pedals: control = comfort. By securing your feet in place with a clipless pedal you can use muscles more efficiently, relieve excessive strain on your feet and be connected to your bicycle more directly....


Return to Cycling The pandemic has heralded a return to cycling for many. When the gyms closed and sporting activities were canceled, people turned to the bike once again. However, if you're one of those returning there are a few important skills to brush up on before you head out to the open road. If you're beginning cycling again, there...



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