The Bike Shop Difference

The Bike Shop Difference

In today's fast-paced, everyone is looking to save a buck environment we can understand the appeal of shopping online. What is the bike shop difference? Why are people still shopping in brick and mortar stores? Trust us - the personalized service you receive at Takoma Bicycle is worth the extra effort of making it to the shop.

We can put the helmet on your kid's head to ensure the fit is right for maximum protection - you can't do that shopping online, and we know your kid's safety is something you don't want to mess around with. We can discuss with you your riding style, your priorities, and your budget to help you find the perfect bike for YOU. And then, we can fit you to that bike to make sure that you will be able to enjoy it in comfort over the long haul. Our staff has years of experience as "matchmakers" - we want you to have a long-lasting, happy relationship with your bike. You forfeit this wealth of experience when shopping online.

Not looking for a bike? How about shoes and pedals? We've got loads of experience and knowledge to help find the right combination for YOUR foot and YOUR riding style and YOUR bike. Our goal and our privilege is to make things right for you, so that you can fall in love with cycling just like we have. Simply put, you can't find that service online. Whether you're looking for a bike, gear, clothing, or even nutrition items, there is a distinct bike shop difference. So next time you're tempted to click and order, think about making a quick trip into the shop instead. We're quite certain you won't regret your decision.


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