Fashion rules of the road
Cycling has it's own set of fashion rules. Road cyclists in particular have many unspoken faux pas that are followed by most. Are you committing some of the most common cycling fashion blunders?
#1 Donning Underwear
Bike shorts and bibs have built-in chamois for a reason. This layer protects your nether regions. Adding a layer of underwear not only is a fashion faux pas, but also could result in some painful chafing.
#2 Proper sunglasses
Your helmet goes on first - THEN your sunglasses. If you stick your sunglasses under your helmet straps, you are likely to get a few snickers from hardcore road cyclists.
#3 Loose helmet
Frankly you just look silly with a helmet wobble and a chinstrap dangling. Not only that, but a loose helmet is extremely dangerous for your noggin in the instance of a crash. Find a helmet that fits properly and always secure it well.
#4 Sleeveless Jerseys
Most road cyclists will agree - leave the sleeveless jerseys for the triathletes. Unless it's about 500 degrees outside, no one wants to see your white spindly arms. Many jerseys today are extremely breathable, and provide sun protection. So go ahead and embrace the sleeves.
#5 Socks
Yes, there are even expectations about socks. First, that you're wearing them. Secondly, that your socks come up to the bottom of your calves. Ankle socks just aren't a thing for road cyclists.
#6 Aged bib shorts
Every set of bib shorts has a lifespan. If yours has been worn so many miles that it's becoming a bit transparent, it's time to throw them in the trash bin. Or at least just save them for indoor training rides. Your cycling buddies don't want to draft behind that view.
#7 Plumber's Crack
Speaking of views other cyclists don't want to see... Solve the Plumber's Crack dilemma by investing in some bib shorts. You'll have the added advantage of not constantly pulling your jersey down.
#8 Bib straps over jerseys
Let's be honest, nothing says inexperienced like a set of straps on the outside of the jersey. You're not Farmer John milking the cows. The bibs go on, and then the jersey goes on over the straps.
Need to update your wardrobe? Look no further. We can help you avoid the above blunders and more.
Info found on active.com